Legacy Christian Academy Adds Air Purifiers with HEPA and Ozone-free Bipolar Ionization

Making The Grade:  Legacy Christian Academy

In the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, what we cannot see in the air we breathe poses a great risk to our students, teachers, staff, and future.

That’s why the team at Legacy Christian Academy in Andover, MN partnered with Rick Atkinson of Pro Control Building Services Group and ISO-Aire clean air technology to strategically place powerful indoor filtration units inside the pre-K through 12th-grade school. The team tapped ISO-Aire™ for the gymnasium given it utilizes proven medical-grade components. This centralized space is being used now for safe-distanced staff meetings, and eventually will hold assemblies and Phys Ed classes upon students return to school.

The model installed at Legacy Christian Academy features both a 12-inch HEPA (High-efficiency Particulate Air) filter and ozone-free bipolar ionization. An additional level of protection – UVC sterilization – is available on special-order models.

“The ISO-Aire unit has been well-received and initial monitoring and test results are on target,” explained Chuck Albers, owner of Ducts & Cleats in St. Paul, MN, and developer of ISO-Aire™ technology. “As they prepare for fall, we’ll install two more units to purify the air in the cafeteria and commons area.”

ISO-Aire™ leverages powerful and proven clean air technology and was developed in response to COVID-19 by Albers and his team for their customer at the Mayo Clinic. Eventually Ducts & Cleats evolved ISO-Aire™ to safeguard schools and commercial spaces such as fitness studios, restaurants, hair salons, office buildings, and more.

When combined, the proven technology adds a layer of protection for children and adults in higher-occupancy environments such as classrooms, libraries, a cafeteria, daycare settings and community centers.

ISO-Aire™ offers the highest level of protection on the market and the technology’s proven mitigation strategies exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ISO-Aire™ is easy-to-install and is designed to provide clean, filtered air effectively and efficiently 24/7 to multi-room applications and large, open spaces.


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