Gathering Together...Safely

Community Space Protected With Purified Indoor Air

Millers Landing Senior Living Makes Socializing Enjoyable Again By Adding ISO-Aire™ HEPA Air Purifiers to Their Space

Millers Landing Senior Living, Minneapolis, MN

A strong sense of community and compassionate care differentiates the day-to-day living environment for senior residents and staff at Millers Landing in Minneapolis. So, when the facilities and community development teams were looking to add a layer of indoor air protection in the building's popular Activities Room they installed ISO-Aire™ HEPA air purifiers in the form of the RSF1000 model. Having safe, purified air circulating throughout the space where residents congregate to enjoy meals, play games, and watch movies would offer peace of mind, enable more interaction and spark deeper engagement.

Residents gather together for meals, games and happy hours in the community space at Millers Landing now protected with an ISO-Aire™ RSF1000 featuring commercial-grade HEPA filtration paired with ozone-free bipolar ionization.

Residents gather together for meals, games and happy hours in the community space at Millers Landing now protected with an ISO-Aire™ RSF1000 featuring commercial-grade HEPA filtration paired with ozone-free bipolar ionization.

Our tight knit community prides itself on fostering a strong sense of proactive support and togetherness. During COVID-19, the ability for our residents to gather safely for movie and Bingo nights in the Activities Room, where the ISO-Aire™ unit is housed, has been a welcome and reassuring addition.”
— Cheryl Locke, Community Director, Millers Landing
A strong sense of community and compassionate care differentiates the day-to-day living environment for senior residents and staff at Millers Landing in Minn...

Millers Landing is the first senior living facility to proactively purify the indoor air with ISO-Aire clean air technology. The recirculating unit contains dual medical-grade filtration including a 99.99% HEPA filter (at .3 microns) as well as ozone-free bipolar ionization. Together the proven components protect the community space by helping to ensure 99.99% of potentially harmful particulates like viruses, bacteria, mold, and pollen are captured and destroyed

 Emerging evidence and clean indoor air advocacy from public health officials is urging leaders to invest in further research to understand how COVID-19 can be transmitted by airborne particles. Microscopic particulates, such as Coronavirus particles measuring .1 to .12 microns in diameter, can penetrate the lungs and bloodstream when inhaled, posing a dire threat to human health. These are captured and eliminated inside the ISO-Aire unit ensuring cleaner, safer indoor air for all.

ISO-Aire™ recirculation units allow for custom installation in almost any space, such as the dining and activities room at the historic Ceresota Building in Minneapolis

ISO-Aire™ recirculation units allow for custom installation in almost any space, such as the dining and activities room at the historic Ceresota Building in Minneapolis