RSF1000 & RSP1000:

Maximize Your IAQ Coverage.

  • RSF1000 & RSP1000. Maximize Your IAQ Coverage.

    Our RSF1000 and RSP1000 effectively purify the air throughout larger spaces by pulling contaminated air from the source and into the unit. Portable. Plug-and-play. Durable. Proven components.

  • Applications.

    Robust design purifies air in mid- to larger spaces such as auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums, libraries, lecture halls, fitness centers, retail storefronts, restaurants, offices, and shared community living spaces. Our RSP1000 is engineered with rugged casters for easy mobility and designed with shorter dimensions for high-traffic thoroughfares.

  • Specifications

    12-inch deep, medical-grade HEPA

    RSF1000: Optional Ozone-free Bipolar Ionization and/or UVC sterilization

    RSP1000: Optional Ozone-free Bipolar Ionization

    Quiet operation at only 37-58 dBA

    Up to approximately 7,500 square feet, or 1 Air Change per Hour (ACH), or approximately 3,700 square feet with 2 ACH as recommended by CDC and ASHRAE guidelines

    Emits 1000 cubic feet of healthcare-grade purified air per minute into a space utilizing strategic air-throw method

    Long-life pre-filter for optimal unit performance

    All models are made in the U.S.

    Long-life design: Over 20 years

RSF1000 Case Studies.

Click to read our partner stories.

Now Airing:

RSF1000 and RSP1000

Protect occupants throughout your medium- to large-sized spaces with our RSP1000 and RSF1000 elite, commercial-grade air purifiers. Both models deliver up to 1000 CFM (cubic feet per minute) of clean, healthy air to gymnasiums, performance halls, cafeterias, hockey arenas, libraries, lecture halls, auditoriums, business offices, larger restaurants, and more. Compare each model in our video overviews (RSF1000 top right; RSP1000 bottom right) and contact our team to assess your facility needs and determine cost and installation details.


Protection. Protection. Protection.


Here’s What 99.99% Protection Looks Like...

  • 12-inch deep, medical grade HEPA filter

  • Ozone-free bipolar ionization

  • UVC sterilization (not available on RSP1000)

CDC and ASHRAE recommended strategy to mitigate spread of COVID-19, emerging variants, and indoor air pollutants.